Friday, September 23, 2011

Have we lost our way?

In the last week I've watched as the state of Georgia executed a possibly innocent man, read about a fourteen year old boy that took his own life because of bullying, sat disgusted as the crowd at the Republican Debate booed a soldier and just recently had to sit here and just shake my head after reading about a hockey fan that tossed a banana at a Flyers player.

What the hell is going on out there? It's gotten to the point where I'm actually considering quitting my attempts to stay up on the news because I'm quite certain every time I check into one of my sites or turn to one of my channels, I'm going to be bombarded with ugly stories of my fellow man.

I'm not perfect, not even close. But I know in my heart that I try to stick to common sense values when it comes to this group that call ourselves humans. I respect someone, regardless of skin color or sexual orientation. I respect someone even more if they're also an active solider stationed in Iraq, fighting for the very freedoms that allow me to write this blog and those people at that debate to sit there and jeer him.

Regardless of your political affiliation or feelings on the death penalty or the messages in some archaic book, there comes a time where you have to look inward and think to yourself that we are all granted a very short time on this rock. Let's at least try to be nice to one another, it's simple, it's what our parents should have taught us in grade school. If this came off preachy, so be it. Sometimes I must vent through the written word. Peace to all and good luck.

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