Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ten years ago today.

Ten years ago today we witnessed a great tragedy, the details of which have been exhausted ever since. I personally changed on this day more so than most people probably realized, even my closest of friends. I evolved in almost an instant from a 19 year old kid who could care less, to the prototype version of the almost 30 year old man I am today. Watching those scenes unfold on that day, watching the familiar story play out live on television had a profound impact on me. I became more aware. More aware of our government, more aware of the religions we throw our faith into and most importantly more aware of our country, of us. Americans.

Ten years later I don't want to see the attack from space. I don't want to look at "never before scene" photos or hear "brand new stories" from the eyewitnesses. Frankly, the images are etched into my conscience and will be until I take them into the grave with me. It's probably a bit hypocritical for me to even make this post, but I truly feel like today is a day for remembrance, but a quiet remembrance. A quiet reflection.

A reflection on the victims and the selfless heroes. A reflection on who we were personally, on who we were as a people and most importantly who we are now.

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